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Hydrangea Plants

Q.i have a zinfin doll hydrangea, and a buddelia, zone 5 (nh) do i need to COVER them for the winter? or is mulch at base enough..?

Zone 03243- zone 5 | Anonymous added on October 15, 2019 | Answered

I’m new to this, don’t want to kill them by covering, but don’t want them to perish in the cold winter up here…I have bushel baskets, and have read to lay a good cover of mulch at base..but should they be covered, or will that kill them..? thanks.!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 15, 2019

Your hydrangea and butterfly bush are hardy. However, butterfly bush dies back so part of winter prep is to cut all stems down to 9-12 inches. Don't cut back the hydrangea; in spring you can cut it back by 1/3 if you like. Put 2-3 inches of loose mulch, wood chips, chopped leaves or straw, over the roots. No other winter prep is required except watering the plants if autumn is dry.

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