Q.I Have A Young Myer Lemon Tree, It Was In A One Gallon Pot For 8 Months Or So, And Transplanted It Into The Ground Last Fall.
It’s blooming now with loads of blooms. I’ve been told that it would be advantageous to pinch all the blooms off now, and let the tree grow into its next blooming season for better fruit production.. I’m at a total loss… should I remove the blooms and let the tree mature? Or should I leave it alone and let it go without bothering the blooms ? By the way, the tree is approximately one year old and although is fairly sturdy, is about 1 1/4″ to 1 1/2″ in diameter and stands about 5′ tall.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
That advice about pruning off all the blooms I think is for another kind of fruit tree, not Meyer lemons. But for larger fruit you can pinch off all but one bud in a cluster or wait till fruit starts forming and is marble sized and pinch off all but one or two in each cluster. They are prolific bloomers and you can have fruits in several stages of growth all year. (They take 4 to 7 months to mature.)