Q.I have a weeping redbud tree that I planted in the spring. I want to create more of a garden around it. What do you suggest?
Is there something tall I can plant with it? It is in the center of our front yard (we are in northern Virginia).

There are several hybrids of weeping redbud which vary in height and width. While planning, make sure to account for the tree's mature size and whether it will be allowed to weep to the ground. If you are planting under the tree, choose plants that can deal with dry conditions as competition from tree roots will be fierce. One tall perennial that can handle some shade is Japanese anemone "Honorine Joubert". It spreads where it is happy which may be a concern although I don't find it aggressive. Another tall perennial is foxglove. They now come in every color imaginable. On the shady side of the tree or under the tree if you trim it up from the ground, consider something smaller. Plants for shade include Tiarella, aka foamflower; coral bells; Lenten rose; fringed bleeding heart, Dicentra eximia and others. A word of caution: tree roots extend beyond the drip line. Do as little damage to roots as possible while planting. I suggest dividing a one gallon perennial into 2 or 3 smaller plants. (Many but not all plants can be divided.) The ideal method for growing with minimal damage to tree roots is by seed. Annuals are by far the easiest plants to grow from seed. They often germinate faster and plants grow more quickly than perennials from seed. Winter is the perfect time to look through flower catalogs and develop ideas. Please read the following article on growing under trees: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/tgen/planting-garden-beneath-trees.htm