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Q.I Have A Weed In My Garden That I Can Not Get Red Of. I Dug The Soil, Soaked It With Weed Killer In The Fall And It Is All Coming

Zone Mechanicsville MD 20659 | Anonymous added on April 9, 2023 | Answered

back. How do I get rid ofit It was here when I bought the house. It takes over the garden. It grows about 18 inches tall with thin leaves and produces a flower that is a light brown and is round and wispy.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 10, 2023

I'm not finding a weed with a light brown flower, but in the garden, you need to mulch heavily to suppress it. If it has a thick root it may take years to eradicate it. Continue pulling or digging and do not allow it to flower or go to seed. Even cutting it off at ground level will weaken it.

In the lawn, use a post-emergent weed killer that won't harm your type of grass. These may help identify it:



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