Q.I Have A Very Old Snow Bush In A Large Pot And It Looks Real Bad, With Not Too Many New Leaves, I’ve Never Cut It Back, It Looks
sconry and not happy. I love this bush and have never abused it, maybe it needs trans planting? A hummingbird made a nest and had 2 families. Please let me know what I can do. The plant is over 18 years old. help.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It could be rootbound or the potting soil may be worn out. If it hasn't been repotted or the soil refreshed in years, start there. Also check for spider mites. You can tell if you have those by holding a white sheet of paper under a branch. Shake the branch and if little black specs begin moving on the paper, your shrub has spider mites.
Snow bush needs moist soil and is a heavy feeder. Be sure you are keeping it watered and fertilized. Here is more: