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Pine Trees

Q.I Have A Very Old Grand Slash Pine In My Front Yard. I’m Not Sure How Tall But It Is Really Up There.

Zone 33772 zone 10 | JKS added on March 28, 2022 | Answered

My neighbor is wanting to cut the branches on his side all the way to the top of the tree. My arborist will not do it because he says it will make the tree unstable. I have called the sheriff on one of those fly by night (as I call them)tree guys who had no license or anything. His ladder was up the tree on my property and he was hacking away. It cost me around $400 to get the cuts straightened out. I know they can cut the branches that are hanging over their property line but I do not want my tree damaged. I really don’t see the need to cut branches that are at least 40 ft. in the air and not hanging over on his property. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 30, 2022

This sounds like something for your local law enforcement to handle. We cannot get involved with legal matters, unfortunately.

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