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Redbud Trees

Q.I Have A “the Rising Sun Eastern Redbud (ceris Canadensis) That Has Branch Tip Die-back, Here In The Pacific Northwest (zip 9853

Zone 98532 8b | bonnie abbott added on May 27, 2020 | Answered

2) Seems to be a micro-climate issue. It has only 2 branches with leaves this spring. What can/should I do with it? I’ve heard that if they get a nice long growing season this will not happen. But if the growing season is cut short there is more die-back in the spring. This tree is about 3′ tall, should I move it? Maybe a warmer spot where there is more protection. Could I put this one in a large pot? Should I cut the die back part off? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks a lot, love this tree.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 29, 2020

Unfortunately, your image did not come through. The cold does not bother them, and they can survive quite a bit of warmer weather, as long as they have a winter.

What does happen is infection. They are short lived trees, less than a few decades, and are very susceptible to diseases. Because they prefer partial to deep shade, and moist soils, they are in the perfect environment to contract infections.

Your best bet will be to make sure that it gets plenty of shade during the day, and dries out just a little between waterings. You will need to treat with fungicide, or bactericide, depending on the type infection that has plagued the tree. I recommend biofungicides. They are living microbes that will actively seek infections to consume. Sometimes, they just outcompete bad infection.

Here are some articles that will help:






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