Q.I HAVE A TEN YEAR OLD QUEEN PALM, it has grown from a seed. Last week I saw what apeared to be
some kind of mushroom white in color around the bottom ????? I’VE KNOCKED THEM OFF AND TOSSED THEM IN THE TRASH, THE TOP PART I’D SAY ABOUT FIVE FEET UP has started to shrink. Is there a cure for this? Or have I lost it??? Thanks in advance. I’m sorry but I don’t have way to send you a picture.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The worst case scenario is that your palm has Gandoderma butt rot. This is a serious and fatal disease that is common in Florida palms.
Although it is possible that the mushrooms are from a different fungal organism.
The attached photo shows Gandoderma fruiting bodies (conks) in their different stages. Is this what you saw and removed? If so it's a dire sign. If not you may want to get help for diagnosis from the university extension or a local palm specialist.