Q.I Have A Snow Fountain Cherry Tree That Was Doing Great 5′ High Transplanted In Early Spring
it flowered & put out new branches it is in ground & kept moist. Now a lot of leaves are turning brown & shriveling on the bottom of some branches. What could it be. I had 1 for 25+ yrs & the last 2 yrs wasps were climbing up the branches & eating the leaves & we had to cot it down. We don’t see any insects on it & don’t want to loose it. Please help!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This can happen when the roots are disturbed during planting. Usually, it will not kill the tree, but overwatering will.
Be sure to let the soil dry down to at least 3 inches between watering, even when establishing.
To be safe, I would treat with a fungicide.
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