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Q.I have a rose that has been in the family at least by 1937. I don’t know what type it is. It just finished blooming and as usual

Zone Red Lion PA 17356 | dphively added on June 4, 2019 | Answered

has sent up many new canes, some of them over 5 feet tall. Can the old canes which had this year’s blooms be cut off now without hurting the rose? This year the rose was filled with a tremendous number of blooms; all larger than those of most years. The color is pink when the bloom opens, but when the bud is in the “Hershey kiss” shape, it seems to be a much darker color.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 5, 2019

It is hard to say what the rosebush name is. I would not prune out the older canes as some of the older roses bloom only upon the Old Wood, or the last years growth. Prune very lightly as to shape and control only. The outer Guard Petals of rose blooms in the bud stage on many rosebushes can be darker than when it opens. This is because they are subject to all the weather elements and suns' rays while protecting the inner petals of each bloom.

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