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Banana Plant

Q.I have a red banana (Enset) should I cut off lower limbs that are broken and or turning brown grime wind damage ?

Zone Shade gap pa 17255 | JEFFREYCROUSEHD07 added on May 26, 2019 | Answered

I have a red banana ( Enset mourelii , bottom limbs that are broken or turned brown , should I cut them off ?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 27, 2019

Trim back dead palm leaves if winter winds destroy or damage the banana palm's foliage. Avoid pruning back the palm's functional trunk, as doing so eliminates the possibility of flowers and fruit from that stem.

Prune a banana palm's stem only after flowering and fruiting is completed. The stem will not flower or fruit again. After harvesting your bananas, use garden clippers to cut it to the ground, making way for new stalks.

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