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Chaste Trees

Q.I have a purple chaste tree and this year it bloomed white flowers

Zone San Bernardino CA 92404 | Anonymous added on June 22, 2019 | Answered

What would cause my purple chaste tree to bloom white flowers this year

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 22, 2019

It's possible the variety of tree you have is a hybrid. You could have a sport branch that has a different color of flower on it.

A sport is a genetic mutation that suddenly occurs. No one is sure if this is a response to environment, cultivation, stress or simply as common as a human developing a mole. Sports result from a faulty chromosome replication. The resulting defect may occur only once or it may persist in the plant and be passed down to successive generations.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Do Azaleas Change Colors: Explanations For Azalea Color Change https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/azalea/azalea-color-change.htm


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