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Q.I Have A Problem

Zone Covina, CA | Anonymous added on June 18, 2023 | Answered

I live in a apt for 30 yrs. In the past 7 yrs I have been dealing with tree rats and opossums from coming on my patio and leaving behind there fleas and them eating my potted parsley. I have tried the snap traps but they are too smart for them. They eat the peanut butter from the opposite side and don’t get caught. I have also, tried putting many small shepherds hooks with Irish Spring soap in cheap nylons but they still come and I go out onto my patio in the morning to check my plants and my leg’s get bitten up with their fleas. Do you have any suggestions? I do have a Desert tortoise and I clean up any un-eaten lettuce or other food every afternoon.(she hides from them.)

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 19, 2023
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