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Hyacinth Plant

Q.problem with my tall garden phlox

Zone 8 | Jomarks52@gmail.com added on July 16, 2015 | Answered

I have a problem with my tall garden phlox. Can you help? I live near Savannah, Georgia. Tall garden phlox are my favorite thing in my perennial garden. I have nothing that looks like powdery mildew; however, the leaves on my phlox will begin to wilt and then turn yellow and brown and seem to die. I especially have this problem with new plants. My husband thinks this is caused by too much water. We have an irrigation system that waters them (fine spray). I see no canker! Does this sound like over watering? We have had a good bit of rain, especially in the late afternoon. If so, how can I save them?

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Answered on July 16, 2015
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