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Container Tomato Plants

Q.I Have a Potted Tomato Plant That Seems to Be Wilting

Zone Nebraska | weilchuck added on July 2, 2013 | Answered

The ground in the pot seems to be moist, but plant is wilting to the point that it looks like it needs water; but as stated the dirt seems pretty moist. What could be the problem? I gave it a little water two days ago.

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Answered on July 6, 2013

Sometimes plants wilt in hot sun even though they have been watered. Don't give it a "little" water, always water thoroughly..."till it pees". If you've just been keeping the top of the soil moist, the lower half of the soil ball could be very dry. I would suggest soaking the entire pot in a container of water overnight then drain the next morning.

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Answered on July 3, 2013

Thank you "quietnh", I am from Nebraska not NH but I think your reasoning applies, as it has been pretty wet here also. I have trimmed a lot of spongy stuff off and now will just wait a few days to see if letting it dry out will help.

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Answered on July 3, 2013

Tomatoes aren't doing well in New Hampshire right now because of too much rain; tomatoes don't like too much water. Try letting the soil get a little dryer. Also cut off any leaves or stems that are yellow; some of the stems may be spongy, also cut them off. Hope this helps.

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