Q.I Have A Money Tree Which Has Grown Very Tall! Unfortunately It Has Developed A Scaley Texture On A Few Of The Lower Leaves.
How can I remedy this and what is it?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There is a chance that it has developed a fungal infections on its own. Typically, less than ideal conditions will invite infections. Usually, the culprit is wet roots that don't have a chance to dry out between waterings. As long as you see no evidence of mites (They are very tiny and can be a little difficult to see, sometimes.) or aphids, then you can start applying fungicides. You'll still want to remove any infected leaves.
If you want a perfectly accurate diagnosis of the disease, then you might take samples to your nearest extension office.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is pretty typical of spider mite or aphid damage. Check the undersides of the leaves, as not all cases will show with webbing. They can cause bacterial and fungal infections. I would take a two step approach after removing infected leaves.
Treating with azadiractin, the active ingredient in neem oil, or pyrethrum from the chrysanthemum flower are usually my go to.
This article will offer information that may help you with schefflera care:

I’ve inspected the leaves, front, back and stem and do not see visible signs of aphids or any other pest. Would another disease be infecting my plant