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Mandevilla Plants

Q.mandevilla/Dipladenia after winter care

Zone central WI | jule_rn added on April 8, 2015 | Answered

I have a mandevilla/Dipladenia. Brought it in for the winter and put it in a paper bag, as I have been doing with my geraniums for years. Just pulled them out this afternoon. Geraniums are showing some growth but the Dipladenia shows nothing. I want to put it in a flower pot and fertilize as with the others. Do you think I will have any luck? Or have you heard of anyone doing that with this plant? Thanks for your time 🙂 Julie

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 9, 2015

My best guess and from a bit of research your Dipladenia would no longer be a viable plant.

No harm in putting it in a pot and doing the 'wait and see' approach. That's the fun of gardening, sometimes you get a surprise!

Here is a link about the care of Depladenia.


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