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Magnolia Trees

Q.I Have A Magnolia Susan Standard Tree 5 Ft Tall The Branches Seem To Be Dead But The Main Stem Is Still Green Up Until About 3 Ft

Zone Blackpool | Carolyn Musgrove added on April 24, 2020 | Answered

high. Can I prune back to the where the green stem is? I planted this last May when it was in flower. Everything seemed ok with it but it has been very wet over winter and I have clay soil. I thought it may flower but nothing has happened as yet. When looking mor closely I think the branches are dead ( no green showing)

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 27, 2020

Unfortunately, your photo did not come through.

Saturated soils will be a problem for many trees and plants. so amending clay soil for drainage is a must. By now, you are experiencing this, first hand. You may lose the tree, but it will give you an opportunity to fix the soil for the next planting.

These articles will help:




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