Q.I Have A Lot Of Perennials, Which Have Leaves But Are Failing To Flower. Asters, Peony, Hot Lips And Red Hot Pokers.
Hot lips flowered last year, but not this year, also some penstemons. I would also like to plant a hibiscus, but wonder what would be necessary
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The top reason plants do not flower is lack of sunlight. Are these planted in full sun - six to eight hours of sun a day? A perennial hibiscus needs full sun to bloom well. Hot lips salvia will lose the red when it gets hot but return as the weather cools. Peonies are spring bloomers. If they have been moved, they may not flower for a year or two. Penstemons are typically spring bloomers. Be sure to mulch and water all your perennials. Check your growing conditions against these tips: