Q.I Have A Lawn That Is Tall Fescue And Bermuda. Is There A Way To Keep It Green Year Round?
About 2 years ago we took out the back yard which was a combination of Bermuda Grass and weeds. We cleaned it out twice and put in Tall Fescue lawn seeds. The lawn took in sporadic areas but along with that came Bermuda Grass and weeds. Way to many weeds to control all though we’ve been working at it. The front yard is a combo of Bermuda grass and weeds. We also did a weed and feed in front at the beginning of winter but it didn’t work. Still a lot of weeds. I guess my question is how do we make the Bermuda grass and the Tall Fescue get along and stay green all year? That would allow for some weed control also. The tall Fescue in the back partially went dormant through the winter but is coming back in nicely right now except for the dried out Bermuda Grass which is coming back in sporadically in both the front and back yards. We need some help. We’ve always had nice yards until we moved here. Help! Thanks ahead for any help you can give.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You could probably do without the Bermudagrass. It is a warm season grass and will go dormant in cool temperatures. The bermuda may take over the tall fescue in the back. Proper mowing height, irrigation, and fertilization will help achieve a thick lawn and squeeze out the weeds. Also, mow often enough not to let the weeds form seed heads. Here is information that should help: