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Viburnum Shrubs

Q.I Have A Hedge Of Viburnum Bushes And The Leaves Are Being Destroyed, But I Don’t See The Culprits!

Zone 53045 | Anonymous added on June 3, 2021 | Answered

The leaves are being eaten with tiny holes, then they turn brown (see photo). I have a lot of bushes and they are all affected. Although I have another hedge of viburnums, which are a different variety, and so far they look fine. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 11, 2021

It looks like Japanese beetle damage. They are usually easy to see because they are fairly large and shiny. You can pick them off by hand and drop them into a bowl of soapy water. (I knock them off into the bowl, don't like to touch them!) Here is more:



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