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Container Hibiscus Plants

Q.leaves on potted hibiscus falling off

Zone 02067 | Seawitch added on October 9, 2013 | Answered

I have an 8-ft potted hibiscus that I recently adopted. It bloomed all last month but now all leaves are falling off. Is it going dormant or is it dying?Leaves turn yellow then fall off. Tree is almost bare. Will it lose all its leaves, and should I still water it?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 9, 2013

It is possible that the move has "shocked" the plant. This happens, don't be too alarmed. Hibiscus lose their leaves when they go from one environment into another. Hibiscus can use a lot of water. If you are watering until the plant starts to ''pee'', you're giving it enough at a time, just increase the frequency. One thing I do when hibiscus lose leaves is to pinch the growing tip of stems so the plant will branch. I cut them back, sometimes really drastically, to decrease the size, and to make them less leggy.
In zone 6b, hibiscus are inside already so they won't be shocked too much by colder weather.

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