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Centella Plant

Q.I have a centella asiatica as a houseplant, but the leaves (also new growth) are turning yellow

Zone Amsterdam, the Netherlands | Anonymous added on October 31, 2019 | Answered

I bought a Centella about two months ago — it was in a rather broken plastic pot, and I transplanted it into a terracotta pot. Reading up about the plant I realize this wasn’t the best idea (the soil dries out more quickly in a terracotta pot). I put the plant back into a plastic pot about a week ago, and have been misting the plant. It hasn’t made a dramatic recovery yet. Is it just a question of time before it comes right. Some sources recommend watering the plant every day. Is it ok if the soil is pretty wet all the time? Thank you for your help!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 3, 2019

Gotu kola likes a warm, wet environment and only partial sun, so if you can replicate those conditions indoors, the plant should do well. Considering its swampy origins, you don't want the soil to get dry or to expose it to harsh sunlight or cold conditions.

Watering every day might be too much. Just touch the top of the soil and keep it evenly moist, but not wet.

It likes to spread by growing runners, so it may need room to stretch out. Here's an article that should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/groundcover/gotu-kola/gotu-kola-information.htm

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