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Climbing Roses

Q.training climbing rose on fence

Zone zone 3-4 | Anonymous added on April 7, 2016 | Answered

I have a Cecile Bruener climbing rose I’m wanting to train along a 3 ft split-rail fence. Should I clip off the long canes growing the opposite direction from the fence? This is the second year of growth for the rose and I have two long healthy canes coming straight out from the fence into the parking area, yet there is plenty of room for growth.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 8, 2016

Is there any way to tie those wayward canes to the split rail fence and in a way that would be aesthetic to you? Just thought I would present that option before we got the pruning shears out. You can read more about training roses on fences here:

During the first two years, pruning of cecile brunner canes should be done sparingly and only for the purpose of training canes along your fence. The best time to prune is after the spring bloom. Pinpoint which canes are growing undesirably and prune them 18 inches above the base of the plant or at the height where they blend in with the desired shape.

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