Q.I Have A Bottle Palm Which Is Hollow In The Lower Portion Of The Trunk.
The palm looks heathy other wise. I have enclosed photos of the exterior and interior. I first became aware of the problem about 3 or 4 months ago when I found a soft spot in the trunk. One of the photos shows what looks like bedding material in the bottom of the hollow from some sort of occupant. What should I do to save the tree. The tree is 5 years old. I thought it might be Gandoderma root & butt root, but it doesn’t have all the symptoms that I have read about.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I am not finding these exact symptoms either. I suggest getting a soil sample to see if the cause is nutritional, and also, contacting the local extension group for advice. They will be familiar with the common problems of bottleneck palms in your area.