Q.silver mist begonia droopy leaves
I have a beautiful silver mist begonia and the leaves are droopy and turning yellow. What do I need to do? I think it is a silver mist begonia. Some, in pictures, look so much alike. This plant was outside on front porch (facing west) and doing very good. Now it is in my kitchen window also facing west and gets good light (afternoon sun).

You may think your plant has good light, but compared to what it was used to on the front porch, it's now in semi-darkness. That's probably the major part of its problem. Secondly, it will be using much less water (because it has much less light,) so you may be keeping the soil too wet. Begonias don't like wet soil. Before watering, test the soil moisture. A moisture meter should read around 3/4 of the way between dry and moist. Here's more information about testing soil moisture: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/testing-moisture-in-plants.htm
In the future, if you take a few weeks to acclimate the plant to lower light, you'll probably have fewer problems. https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/acclimate-plants-indoors-winter.htm