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Basil Plants

Q.I Have A Basil Plant I Just Bought It And It’s Dead Already. How Do You Maintain And Revive A Basil Plant?

Zone 87002 | moenisaflores@gmail.com added on October 13, 2020 | Answered

I got roughly 3 days ago watered it once and it’s dead already. I never had much of Green Thumb but it’s still amazing how quickly I can kill things. I think I may have over watered it but the soil was already dry due to being in a store. It looked extremely healthy when first purchased.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 14, 2020

That does appear to be overwatering, and a lack of light.

At this point, it will be better to start over. Recovery will take a long time, and even a seed grown basil will grow faster than it will take this to recover.

These articles will help you with the care of basil in the future:



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