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Holly Bushes

Q.holly bushes lost leaves

Zone Michigan | tntazz added on April 20, 2015 | Answered

I have 5 holly bushes, all of them have lost leaves and some have turned brown. There are still some green leaves on the bushes near the bottom. Also, some of the branches are dead. Should I dig them up, or can I just cut them back and see if they start to regrow?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 21, 2015

We did all have a very trying winter!
It certainly does sound as if your Holly suffered greatly.

I personally try to give my plants a chance to come back. I would trim back all the obvious dead material and continue to care for them.
I try to turn losses of plants into new planting opportunities, sometimes that makes it easier to dig up those lost plants.
Good luck.



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