Q.I Have 4 Celosia Plumosa Plants In A Container Together And I’m Trying To Find Out Why One Of Them Has Purple On The Leaves. I’m
not sure if this is normal or not. There are 4 Celosia plants in this container(The empty spot was where one was dying.) Out of the 4 plants in the container together, there is one that has purple spots on the leaves and a distinct purple line down the center of the leave. I can’t seem to find info on whether this is normal and I’m also very curious why it’s only happening to one of the plants. The other thing with this one that has the purple is it’s really grown much faster and fuller than the others, I’m wondering if that’s anything.(The pictures show the purple on the leaves and how it compares to the other celosia plants with it.) Thanks so much.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Purpling in leaves can be a sign of stress, disease, or nutrient deficiency such as phosphorous. Since Celosia is not usually bothered by pests or disease, and your plant looks healthy otherwise, I suggest pinching off the leaves with the spots, just in case it's a fungal infection.