Q.I Have 3 Ligustrum Johandrum Trees In Pots Which I Received In November. I Have Placed Them Against The House Under The Eaves, Lif
ted the pots slighty off the ground on thin wood and I cover them if there us a hard frost due. I also placed some bark on top of pots to insulate and I water occasionaly. I have noticed 2 of the trees are browning but the other one still looks fairly green. Am I doing something wrong that 2 are browning in colour?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They need full to part sun, so check to see if they are getting all shade under the eaves. Also check the watering. In winter they don't need a lot of water. Check the soil before watering. If it is still damp, do not water till it begins to dry. Here is general care: