Q.I Have 3 Cedars About 50 Feet Tall. They Will Get Huge. Not Good In The Spot They Are But Can’t Remove Them. My Gardener Suggest
ed he make a hedge about 15 ft tall. My concern is that there are no branche on the bottom 5ft . Is They will get huge. Not good in the spot they are. Can’t remove them. My gardener suggested he make a 15 ft hedge of them. My concern is there are no branches on the bottom 5 ft. Will some develop after we top off the trees
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
While you can, safely, prune that much from the Cedar, it will not be ideal.
They won't fill in very well, after, and will take on an awkward shape. Eventually, they will need the treatment again, since the branches will take over for the missing top.
Unfortunately, either leaving the tree, or removing it completely will be the best course of action, if you are concerned about how it will look after.
If you are not concerned with the aesthetics of the tree, then topping it will not harm it.
What if I cut them at the ground ? We need to preserve the roots for bank stabilization but can’t accommodate such big trees.