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Fountain Grass

Q.I have 20 dwarf fountain grasses planted throughout my landscaping. I live in Kansas and we had a spring warm up followed by seve

Zone Ottawa, KS | jdstone66067 added on June 24, 2018 | Answered

ral days of near freezing temps. Only 2 of my grass are sprouting. Are the rest dead or did the freezing temps kill the new growt h and the roots are just dormant and will sprout next year? Thanks for you help!!

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 25, 2018

As long as you waited to cut them down until right before it started to warm up, then it should be OK. If they were cut in the fall, then they may have not had enough protection over the winter.

I would still give it another month or so, and if you do not see any action, then you can assume that it will need to be replaced.

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