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Container Bird Of Paradise Plants

Q.I Have 2 Mature Birds Of Paradise In The Same Pot. One Blooms, The Other Doesn’t. Why?

Zone Corona, CA | IronmanXp added on January 15, 2020 | Answered

I live in the LA area, Bird of Paradise everywhere! I live in apartments so want some for my patio, year round. So I bought 2 BoP plants over 7 years ago and put them in the same 5-7 gallon pot to increase the root bound condition as they grew. After a few years I begin to get blooms in winter from one! Only One!! It has been this way for several years now. They get great sun, sometimes my watering can be erratic, but they are in the same pot, so good/bad for one same/same for other. Is there a gender condition with BoP or is one fickle and one just showing off for the other??

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 16, 2020

Correction/addition: I transplanted the plants after the first 3 years into a 14 gallon pot for proper growth making room for the gravel drainage on the bottom and mulch/bark on top.

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Container Bird Of Paradise Plants
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