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Azalea Plants

Q.I Had A Case Of Lace Bug On My Azealea`s, Have Sprayed And Now When Is The Best Time To Feed Azaleas.

Zone Melburne 3082 | maws36 added on January 2, 2022 | Answered

I have pruned and cut back and sprayed with lace bug spray. What else can I do to bring them back as they were before the lace bug invasion. Also they had petal blight will the spray for lace bug fix the petal blight as well Also they are under a beautiful Ornamental Apple which has a lot of white fluffy stuff on the above ground roots. What can I do to get rid of this. I have sprayed with milk and water as I do for fungus like black spot on the roses. Also there is a lot of dead wood in the apple tree, does this mean it could by dying???

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 3, 2022

I used a systemic insecticide for azalea lace bugs when my problem occurred. The mottled look of the foliage will persist until the leaves are shed by the plant at a time of its choosing. You can fertilize the azalea during the growing season as usual: start fertilizing after your average date of last frost and stop fertilizing with a slow release fertilizer three months before your average date of first frost. Please repost with many pictures of the two problems that your ornamental apple tree has (the white fluffy stuff and the dead wood) as much more details of both problems.

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