Q.I had a bottlebrush transplanted and it hasn\’t put out new leaves since June how can i tell if it\’s going to come back or n
ot my bottlebrush was transplanted back in June and it lost all it’s leaves and it hasn’t put out any new leaves i wanted to know how i can tell if it’s dead or if it will put out new growth next spring

It doesn't sound good for recovery. That's a long time after transplanting for it not to respond with new growth.
To assess for viability, start at the top and bend some branch tips. Are they flexible or do they appear brittle and break off? When you get down to larger stems, take sharp knife and slice off a thin layer of bark. Is there a green growing layer beneath the outer bark or is it all dry and brown? If the twigs and branches are all brittle and with no green growing layer, then it is probably dead.
It may have lost too much of the absorbing root system with the transplanting and could not take up enough water and went into transplant shock.