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Redbud Trees

Q.Ace of Hearts with bare branches

Zone Crystal Lake,IL | patkush6 added on July 9, 2015 | Answered

I had 2 Ace of Hearts planted 3 years ago in the fall. They were 7 ft tall and 2 inches round. The first spring they did not flower but the leaves were full. This spring, again, they did not flower. One tree only has leaves on 3/4 of the the tree and the other one only has a quarter of leaves on it. The bare branches are not dead. Any suggestions?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 10, 2015

Most likely this was winter kill on your Redbud Trees.

You can wait until the trees are dormant this fall and prune back.
Mulch the trees to help retain moisture through the remaining summer.
You can apply a slow release fertilizer in the spring.

Here is a link to refresh you on growing requirements and care.


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