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Lily Plants

Q.I grow Lilly’s and ostaspurn. Heliborus

Zone PR46SU | Roy Iddon added on June 29, 2018 | Answered

Have grown them for years have found how to grow from seed cuttings over the years have crossed breeding different colours from cape daisy’s found that you have to use b 9 to dwarf them as they get to big before flowering.  Have crossed bred arum Lilies, green ,blushing pink, and white but they don’t come true. Every time have got at the moment 700 in pot from 1. 2 3 5 8 ltd pots. I found that pink grow the biggest.  Green can be big. You end up putting into larger pots green are the first to flower white and pink later have photos of all from seedlings to full pots flowering.

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Answered on July 3, 2018

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