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Q.I Don’t Really Have A Question. You Stated In The Article That Burning Might Help Kill Knapweed But I Can Verify It Does Not. I D

Zone 97733 | Anonymous added on July 29, 2021 | Answered

id a large debris burn im my gravel driveway and the next year every single plant inside and outside the burn area returned My entire 150′ drive is covered in knapwd. Round up or vinegar? It’s impossible to even begin pulling out of 6″ of gravel. This was an abandoned property for 15 years so it has been entirely overrun. I can pull some but Im limited by disabilities. A full acre of that monster is overwhelming me

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 17, 2021

If it has already become invasive, then this will be a problem for professionals to handle. It would take a dangerous amount of chemicals and years worth of agricultural management to return this plot to a usable state. I would contact your local extension service for inquiries regarding invasive species control after infestation.

This link will help you to find the closest extension to you:


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