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Huernia Plants

Q.I Did The Very Opposite.

Zone Louisville ky 40217 | Anonymous added on August 12, 2022 | Answered

Okay I was wanting to find a way to get my lifesaver cactus to thrive more but after reading your recommendations I a bit confused or skeptical about changing my ways. I’ve had this flower for a good over 5 years, it was a gift from a friend but after it bloomed I thought maybe it was a joke. It came in a little ceramic pot full of water, it sets in the same spot all year (ledge and can be cold and the water is still sets in) this plant has down well but slowly does much but maybe 2 blooms a year.. this makes me happy but I really scared to mess things up if I mess up the conditions its lives in now. I would try to get a small piece but I skeptical. why try to jeopardize something good … so any suggestions granted I’m doing the opposite as you so far Thank u.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 23, 2022

Since you are getting flowers, you are doing something right and I'd be skeptical about changing, too. You may want to propagate a second plant that you can experiment with its care. Here is how:



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