Q.cut back my red tipped photinia
I cut back my red tipped photinia and now leaves have holes and some are curling. Bushes had black spot and thought cutting way back would help but now I have other symptoms. Some of the new leaves are curling and some have holes or looks like something is eating them. Any suggestions?
Without a photograph I can not be 100% certain, but the black spot on your red tip could have been caused by a fungus (such as photinia leaf spot). Black spots on leaves could also be sooty mold, which is secreted by aphids, scale or mealybugs, to name a few. These pests, in addition to thrips, can also cause leaf curl and can be difficult to spot - you may need a magnifying glass to see them. I have included links below which discuss these pests and provide a course of treatment.
Photinia Leaf Spot: