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Bird's Nest Ferns

Q.I can see translucent spots with brown edges on my bird’s nest fern that I bought 2 weeks ago. What is it and how can i treat it?

Zone 3008 | Divya Kaushik added on October 17, 2018 | Answered

We bought Kentia palm and Bird’s nest fern together. They both seem to have the same kind of spots. Can you please let me know what they are and how to treat them?
Attaching the photos of both.

P.S: I am new to gardening. These are my first plants!

Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 18, 2018

This is likely a Leaf Spot disease.
This link has more information.

1. Trim off brown leaf tips or spots with clean shears. Cut off only the damaged tips or spots leaving a tiny margin of brown so not to damage the remaining healthy foliage on the plant.
2. If the entire leaf has turned brown, remove individual leaves at their base. Pull the leaf gently; it may come off on its own. If the leaf doesn’t separate with gentle pulling, snip through the stem with clean shears.

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