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Fig Tree

Q.I bought a young fig tree, about 3 feet tall, and accidentally broke the tip of the main stem. Will it stop growing upward?

Zone Melbourne, Australia | Anonymous added on December 20, 2019 | Answered

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A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 21, 2019

The breakage of the central leader will temporarily suppress vertical growth but will not stop new shoots from forming and resuming the upward growth. What will happen is that it will re-sprout at the top, possibly with multiple shoots. Let them grow a little, until they are two to four inches tall or so, then select the best shoot or two to favor and remove the others. This new growth will become your "modified central leader." If lateral branch growth is stimulated during this process, shape it back and allow the central leader to dominate.

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