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Plum Trees

Q.plum trees

Zone Phoenix, AZ | Anonymous added on August 3, 2016 | Answered

I bought 2 plum trees from Costco from inside the store. It was the kind that the root part was in a plastic bag with soil. I paid around $15 to $20. I planted it according to the directions on the packaging. I also got on the computer to see if there was any additional information on how to plant and take care of them. They have done nothing. No leaves…nothing.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 3, 2016

Bare roots are a common way to purchase and plant fruit trees.
Proper planting and daily water is very important, especially when planting in the summer months. Generally spring or fall are the best times for planting bare root plants.

I would keep receipts and generally a new plant is guaranteed for the 1st year.

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