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Azalea Plants

Q.Azaleas With Powdery Mildew

SusieW added on June 17, 2011 | Answered

I believe my azaleas have powdery mildew. What is the treatment? I live in south Florida and my plants are located on the north side of the house. We are in the middle of a drought. These plants are well established – over 15 years old. This is the first trouble. What do I spray on them?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 21, 2011

You can use a fungicide to treat the powdery mildew. You may also want to do a little clean up pruning to help open up the plant a bit and get some air circulation going. This will help keep the powdery mildew from forming.

This article will also help:

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