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Desert Rose Plants

Q.I Asked A Couple Of Days Ago..how To Help My Desert Rose To Open The Buds Fully.

Zone mission tx 78572 | sandra ecklund added on September 1, 2020 | Answered

I get lots of buds. they open some but not fully. I have been for 4 months once a month giving them some food with phosferous. they tried harder but not completely. What else should I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 2, 2020

If it has only been a couple of days, then the treatment has not had time to work. Doing too much will have the opposite effect, and can even kill your plant. Wait about 2 weeks between each treatment. Follow all packaging instructions carefully.

I'm afraid it will, simply, take some patience. Make sure that you test your soil so that you know how much nutrients is already there. Adding too much of anything will be quite detrimental to the plant's health.



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