Q.I am trying to find out what is causing my broccoli to grow distorted heads.
This is not the first year this has happened and I am wondering if it is a disease, but I can’t find any disease discription that match what my broccoli looks like. Some of the flower buds are black close to the center of the stem also, not sure if that shows up on the photos.

White blister has several strains that can infect various vegetables. The disease mainly affects fresh material, although systemic viruses can develop symptoms throughout the plant. White blisters form on the undersides of leaves, with a reciprocal yellow patch on the upper surface. The cysts contain white spores, infected production, crop debris, wind, and water splash can form which. Systemic viruses can cause distortion of the plant stem and the form of torments on leaves. Distortion of broccoli heads can take place, making them unmarketable.
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