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Q.I am moving house and want to move my roses?

Zone Chichester | Anonymous added on August 19, 2020 | Answered

I am moving in September and want to move 6 young rose bushes – currently in bloom and a rose tree approx 5 ft high – also in bloom .
Do I prune them back before I move them .. the journey will take an hour door to door ..
any advice greatly appreciated

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 19, 2020

Early spring is the best time to move them, however, in the case of a move the timing is not always perfect.
This article should help:

You will likely see a lot of canes drooping as the root systems are just not established enough to support all the growth they currently have. Prune off the dead portions as they die. Some of the drooping will improve in two or three days, some a bit longer. Moving them while in full growing mode is not the best, so losing some growth is very likely.

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