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Q.I am looking for name and type of rose

Zone South Florida zone 10 | Anonymous added on March 6, 2020 | Answered

Good afternoon I live in South Florida zone 10. These roses are very fragrant. I would like to purchase more. I hope I have provided enough info.Thank you for providing this Q&A.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 7, 2020

Thank you for sending the photos of the rose you seek. However they are not really enough to fully identify it. It may indeed be a David Austin English Rose. Or it may be one of the wonderful old roses similar to one named Therese Bugnet. I am going to provide you two links to help in your search. The first is https://www.helpmefind.com/roses/ where you may search for a rose by color, bloom form, etc.. The other is a link to a roses for sale site of a dear friend whom might be able to help you find exactly the rose you seek. His name is Matt and let him know that Stan the Rose Man sent you his way. Here is the link to his website: https://www.highcountryroses.com/ . Best wishes to you and may you find the fragrant beauty you seek. :-)

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