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Pitcher Plants

Q.I am having difficulty keeping my pitcher healthy so need advice how to improve it.

Zone Cambodia | Anonymous added on December 26, 2019 | Answered

I live in Cambodia and am growing a pitcher plant (see photo). the pitchers are drying up at the top and I am not sure why. I have the pot set in a bowl of pure water and it is planted in woodchips without soil. What am I doing wrong?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 26, 2019

It may not get cool enough in your region to keep them happy. American pitcher plants (Sarracenia species) tend to require cool temperatures or a dormant period each year. Also, it is best to grow them in peat moss. This will keep the soil acidic and hold moisture as well. Wood chips will not be very suitable for this. This article will help you to care for them properly:

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