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Cauliflower Plants

Q.I am growing some cauliflower in a cold box and have noticed some mushrooms growing in with them. Are the cauliflower still safe

Angela761 added on June 1, 2019 | Answered

to eat? I will be feeding some of the cauliflower to my rabbits so need to make sure it’s safe for them to have the leaves of the cauliflower still. Thank you for your help

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 1, 2019

Although those mushrooms aren't edible, they don't do anything unless they are consumed directly. Simply, touching or picking the mushroom is not harmful. You would have to consume it, directly, for any harm to come from poisoning.

They are helping your soil by crowding out competition that will rot your plant.

In this particular case, they are a sign that they soil is staying wet for too long (Not in all cases, but this case, definitely). I would try and make sure the soil dries out between watering if possible.

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Answered on June 2, 2019

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